Effect of Virechan Karma in the management of Oligoasthenozoospermia (Shukradushti): A Case Report
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Shukradushti, Virechana, Oligoasthenozoospermia

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Tare, A. L. (2019). Effect of Virechan Karma in the management of Oligoasthenozoospermia (Shukradushti): A Case Report. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(03). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/346


Background : Low sperm count (oligozoospermia) and reduced motility of sperms (asthenozoospermia) is the main causes of male infertility and  it is correlated with Shukrdushti ( Vitiation of sperms) and is a problem of global proportions. Worldwide infertility is affecting on an average 8 – 12 % of couples. Infertile men may higher risk of developing other health problems such as diabetes, heart diseases and substance abuse disorders. Ayurveda advocated that, to produce a progeny four things are necessary i.e. Ritu (Reproductive age and ovulation period), Kshetra(Female reproductive tract), Ambu(nutritional factors) and Bija (Sperm and ovum). If there is Dushti (disturbance) in any one of the above factors it would lead into infertility. The modern medical field has now started realizing its importance and a new branch known as Andrology has been developed recently which is still in the progress of producing a satisfactory management for the current problem. Virechana (medically induced purgation) is one among the five cleansing procedure described in Ayurveda which is said to be beneficial in reliving the disturbances of Dosha (bodily humour) & Dhatus (body tissue). Shukra being on among the seven Dhatus, Virechana has a significant potential to relieve the Vitiation/disturbances in it. Aim: To access the efficacy of Virechana in the management of OligoasthenozoospermiaMaterials & methods : The present case study is upon a 35 years old, dignosed case of oligoasthenozoospermia who attended the Panchakarma OPD at Late Kedari Redekar Ayu Mah Gadhinglaj, Kolhapur. Virechana was done as per the classical method. Assessment was done after Virechana and after 15 days of follow up. Results : The sperm analysis showed an increase of Total sperm count from 01 million/ml to 68  million/ml. Conclusion: Virechana procedure has shown an effective and safe method of increasing the sperm count to a significant level along with the increase in sperm motility. Hence the therapy might may be of significant benefits in patients suffering from oligoasthenozoospermia.

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