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Kharjura , neutraceutical, Hb%, Dhatuposhana Kala theory.

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Tonge, S., Swati Chobhe, & Manisha Walunj. (2019). RANDOMISED SINGLE BLIND PILOT CLINICAL STUDY OF KHARJURA ON HAEMOGLOBIN PERCENTAGE WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO SUSHRUTA’S RAKTA DHATU POSHANKAL.”. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(07). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/461


Introduction: Amongst Sapta Dhatu , Rakta Dhatu is of  prime importance as it   is mainly responsible for Jeevan Karma and Prananuvartana. According to Dhatu Poshana Kala theory by Acharya Susruta, Rakta Dhatu is formed on the 5th day after formation of AharaRasa.                                                                                                                                                                                                   Rakta Kshaya can be correlated with symptoms of anaemia due to malnutrition. Kharjura (Phoenix dactylifera, Linn.) now days well known as dates is of neutraceutical value has been used in treatment of Rakta Dhatu since ages. Aim: To assess effect Of Khajura with Dhatriloha and Dhatriloha alone on haemoglobin percentage with special reference to Sushruta’s Rakta Dhatu Poshankal.”Present pilot study was performed to set guidelines with special reference to treatment and analysis period for chief clinical trial and taking into consideration Dhatu Poshana Kala Theory screening of patients for Hb % was done at intervals of 5 days. Materials and methods: Kharjura Laddu was prepared, patients fulfilling inclusion criteria of Rakta Kshaya were administered with Kharjura Laddu(10g)+Dhatri Loha(250mg) and Dhatri Loha(250mg) alone in groups A and B respectively for 10 days in Rasayan Kala(early in morning).Results: Kharjura Laddu+Dhatri Loha group revealed better results in relieving symptoms and increasing Hb%. Both groups exhibited increase in Hb% at 5 days interval after start of treatment. Conclusion: Kharjura can be used as neutraceutical along with Dhatri Loha in management of Rakta Kshaya. Insignificant increase in Hb% at interval of 5 days of consumption of drug   ascertains Dhatu Poshan Kala theory. 

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