Effect of vidangadi malahara in the management of dadru kushtha w. s. r. to fungal infection: A case study.
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Skin diseases are common manifestation in present era. The patientsof skin diseases areadditionally prone to experience physical, emotional and socio-economic embarrassment in the society due to disfigured appearance. There is a wide and extensive description of skin diseases in Ayurveda described under single heading Kushtha. Dadrukushthais one which is mentioned under Kshudrakushtha(1),In modern science the clinical manifestations of Dadrukushtha is closely similar to local skin fungal infection. In the present study, a case of Dadrukushthaw.s.r fungal infection has been treated with VindangadiMalaharawhich is a combination of seven drugs(2) possessing Shodhan and Kusthaharaproperty. The results revealed significant effect of Malaharain various parameters like Raga (Erythema), Kandu (Itching), Daha(Burning sensation), Tod(Pricking pain), Pidika(Granulated skin) andUtsanna Mandala (Elevated patches).
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