A Critical Review On Health Issues Among IT professionals and its Solutions through Ayurveda and Yoga
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Ayurved, Yoga, IT professionals, Health Issues

How to Cite

Dr. Achyut Jagdale, & Dr. Pranali Nagdeve. (2023). A Critical Review On Health Issues Among IT professionals and its Solutions through Ayurveda and Yoga . Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 11(02). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/1099


Abstract -The Indian Information Technology (IT) field has gotten a tremendous boost due to globalization of the economy and favorable government policies of India. IT professionals are under constant pressure to deliver services efficiently and have to be cost effective.Very few people have good knowledge on health consequences, its causes, signs-symptoms and its management program. Sitting a long time in front of a computer leads to more health problems which include visual, musculoskeletal and stress problems. In  terms of visual  problem,  study  concluded  that  pain,  irritation, redness  of  eye  and  blurring  of  vision,  while musculoskeletal  problems  include  pain  or  stiffness  in lower  back,  pain/stiffness  in  wrist/hand/fingers, pain/stiffness in shoulder and  pain/stiffness in neck and higher  stress  conditions  of  moody;  short-temper; accelerated  speech;  nail-biting;  restlessness;  getting confused  easily;  gain/loss  of  weight  and  nervousness are  more  common. Ayurveda and Yoga have a great strength to provide preventive and treatment solutions over health problems of IT professionals. Ayurveda and Yoga have proven effective in this area.

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