Modern Era Lifestyle Factors in relation to Primary & Secondary Infertility: A Survey Study
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Fertility is the capacity to continue the progeny, which is bliss to every living body. Fertility is what, which is normal. But In today’s Modern Era, we can find many people, from all socio-economic background, are struggling very hard to win over Vandhyatwa. There are various things, which are responsible for the increased prevalence of primary & secondary infertility worldwide. The pathophysiological reasons may be observed in both male as well as female partner. And there are ‘n’ number of advanced treatments like IUI, IVF are available to conquer the problem. Yet, we often observe that, the success ratios of these treatments are not so much promising. Also, ‘Unexplained Infertility’ has a noticeable incidence now-a-days. That underlines the need to re-study and re-conclude the factors affecting fertility.
To trace back these factors, this study was conducted on 50 couples of - either primary or secondary infertility to know all the aspects of their modern lifestyle & to inter-relate the possible contribution of it, in Infertility.
Keywords: Infertility, Life style, factors affecting fertility, Ayurved Nidana
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