Role of daily lifestyle for Supraja

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Saami Pagi


Role of daily lifestyle for Supraja

*Dr. Saami Pagi ** Dr. MithunBondre

*PG(sch.) Department Of Kayachiktsa, GAM&RC, Shiroda,Goa

**Asso. Prof Department Of Kayachiktsa, GAM&RC, Shiroda,Goa


The wordSupraja means a healthy progeny. Every individual in the world wants their offspring to be healthy and intelligent. Not only a good individual in society but always a better version of their own self for which all the possible efforts are putafter a child is born. But thereal key to success for a healthy progeny begins even before the child is conceived.

Qualities of a progeny completely depend on the preconception status of parents. Atulya Gotra, ApradushtaBeeja, Saumansya,Garbhiniaharvihar,etc. are very important factors which are responsible for a health progeny. Looking at today’s scenario in society due to hectic lifestyle,stressful environment it is very important for couples to adopt some lifestyle changes before conception and during pregnancy which include ahar, vihar as well as healthy state of mind for giving rise to a healthy progeny.


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How to Cite
Pagi, S. (2023). Role of daily lifestyle for Supraja. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 11(3). Retrieved from
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