The Role of Aahara in “Supraja Nirman” in Ayurvedic perspective
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Ayurveda is the science of Life which has insisted more importance on prevention of various diseases and maintenance of health i.e.“Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshanam” rather than treating any type of disease. Child development actually begins from the time when it is conceived. The pregnant mother’s food, exercise, thoughts, emotions, joys, suffering everything has an impact on the foetus.
Ayurveda has explained Aahara, Viahara and Sadvritta which should be followed by the lady before, during and after conception. The ideal situations for the development of healthy uterus, ovum and sperm at the time of conception are related to wholesome diet and regimen depending of digestive powers and mental condition of both mother and father. According to Ayurveda, Supraja Nirman is a protocol for maternal care which leads to birth of the best and healthy progeny and it is important for the sake of better, healthy and ideal society.
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