A Ayurvedic management of karshya

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Dr.Pooja Ashokrao Sarnaik Sarnaik
Vipul Kanani


Ayurveda Is ancient science which means knowledge of life. This holistic science has always given special importance to preventive aspect first rather than curative.

Karshya Is the widest spreading health and nutritional problem in developing countries. Underweight or emaciation is a possible condition which may be more related with karshya.

Aahar(Food) consider as first pillar among three nidra and brahmacharya being other two. Many common health problems can be prevented through nutritious diet. Alpashana and Vishamashana specially result in the development of karshya.

If the emaciated person is not treated properly then he or she get suffered from many disorders.

 In the ayurvedic literature Nidanparivarjan, perfect diet plan, dietary habits and different type of medicines form the complete treatment of karshya.

This article explains the Ayurvedic view of karshya which will help in the diagnosis as well as proper management of the disease.

Keywords- Karshya, Aahar, underweight, Nidanparivarjan.




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How to Cite
Sarnaik, D. A. S., & Kanani, V. (2023). A Ayurvedic management of karshya: . Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 11(5). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/1169
Review Articles


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