Open clinical study of badrasashma pishti (anubhut yoga) with and without khas sharbat in the management of mutrakrichra with special reference to dysuria
Now–a- days it is seems that, several patients are reporting to the hospitals regularly with affected from different disorders of Mutravaha Srotas. Mutrakrichhra is one of the important diseases amongst this diseases.The term Mutrakrichha comes under the disorders of Mutravaha Srotas, and mainly deals with Mutra and krichra. In Mutrakrichra, the vitiated Pita Dosha along with Vata (mainly Apana Vayu) on reaching Vasti (bladder) afflicts the Mutravaha Srotas due to which the patient feels difficulty in micturation along with symptoms like Pittta mutrata, Sarakta mutrata, Sadaha mutrata, Saruja mutrata and Muhur-muhur mutrata.
Now, the present study to evaluation of the efficacy of Badrasashma pishti yoga with and without khas sharbat to assess the effect on Mutrakrichra.