According to Ayurveda dosha , dhatu & mala are the root or basic elements of human body .If these elements are in equilibrium state body will be in healthy state & disease occurs in body either due to increase or decrease of these constituents .The term Samanya means similarity or oneness or uniformity or the one which causes increase in substance .While the term Vishesha means dissimilarity or seperateness or non-uniformity or the one which causes decrease in substance.
A conceptual study of samanya-visheshasiddhanta
1Sushama Shinde*, 2Sandip K. Birari
- Assistant professor,
- HOD & Assistant professor,
Department of Kriya Sharir, K.V.T.R, Ayurveda College, Boradi.(Dhule).
*Corresponding author: Email- sushama.shinde1234@gmail.com, Mob. 7719858005
According to Ayurvedadosha, dhatu & mala are the root or basic elements of human body .If these elements are in equilibrium state body will be in healthy state & disease occurs in body either due to increase or decrease of these constituents .The term Samanya means similarity or oneness or uniformity or the one which causes increase in substance .While the term Vishesha means dissimilarity or seperateness or non-uniformity or the one which causes decrease in substance.
Samanya, Siddhanta , Vishesha.
Ayurveda as a science of life not only useful for preventive purpose but also for curative purpose too. The aim of Ayurveda is to maintain health of healthy individual and to cure diseases of diseased one. One cannot understand any science without knowledge of its fundamental principles. Dosha-Dhatu-Mala Siddhanta, panchamahabhuta siddhant, Lok-Ppurusaa Samya siddhant, Triguna siddhant, Karya-Karana siddhant, Samanya-Vishesha siddhant etc. are important siddhant of Ayurveda. Among these, Samanya-Vishesha is one of the most important siddhanta which has a crucial role in selection of ahara and aushadhi.
Collection of data from Brihatrayi and text books of Kriya-sharira, and related material available on internet. The collected data material has been compiled and analyzed.
To study Samanya Vishesha Siddhanta and its importance.
In shatpadarthas , Samanya is placed at fourth place as per philosophy & as per Ayurveda it is at first place.1 This indicates importance of Samanya in AyurvedaAyurveda being the treatment science in which the Samanya & Vishesha are given utmost priority. Samanya VisheshaSiddhant is the basic principle of Ayurveda.
Synonyms:Ekatvakara, Samanabhaava, Samanya , Tulyarthata, Vruddhikaranam.
The similar collective knowledge of things is known as Samanya .Always Samanya causes aggravation . The Samanya causes uniformity or uniqueness or ekata in anekasamabhava . Always it causes vruddhi, ekatva bhava & tulyartha. It denotes Jaati of many similar things . The thing based on which the similar objects are grouped as one & the cause of aggravation is known as Samanya .It is a unique eternal factor that brings the uniformity among the many.
In darshana the word Samanya is used for the meaning of Ekatwakara based on tulyarthata but in Ayurveda it is used as the cause of aggravation based on the similarity in dravya , guna & karma.. In the dhatu kshayaja roga when the essential components of the body are reduced they are replaced in the form of ahara or aushadhi to maintain the equilibrium of body components based on the theory of Samanya .
Three types of Samanya : Three types of Samanya are there-1.DravyaSamanya 2.GunaSamanya 3.KarmaSamanya
- DravyaSamanya - When Mamsadhatu in the body is reduced giving mamsa or mamsarasa yuktaahara, when Rakta is reduced in the body giving blood transfusion or rakta basti aggravates the similar dravya in the body & corrects the loss ,it is known as DravyaSamanya .
2.GunaSamanya - When similar dravyaprayoga is not possible the same qualitative dravya are given in the form of ahara or aushadhi to compensate the loss of body components . It is known as GunaSaamanya.Example is in the mamsadhatukshaya giving guru ,snigddha ,picchila ,sthira gunadravya is fruitfull. In Shukrakshaya administering milk gives result.
3 . KarmaSamanya - It is aggrevating the components of body by karma,it means the reduced activities of the body are corrected by external activities . Example vatakshaya is regulated or corrected by vyaayam ,kaphakshaya is regulated by bedrest.
Importance of Samanya in Ayurveda
-As per Ayurveda, in prakruti & shareera the Samanya is present. In prakrutiSurya , Chandra & Anila are present in the same way Vata ,Pitta ,& Kapha are present in the body.
-Bahyadravya are panchbhoutika & shareera is also panchabhoutika.
-The theory of Samanya evolved to compensate the decreased factors of the body by incorporating them from the external world either in the form of ahara or aushadhi to keep the equilibrium or healthy state of the body.
-The decreased factors of the body are in the three forms structural ,qualitative, & functional hence Samanya is explained under three heads as dravya , guna & karma respectively.
-The physical items are grouped on the basis of Samanya as partheeva ,apya ,tejasa ,vaayavya & nabhasa .Based on rasa 6 types of madhuradi skandhas, based upon veerya ushna-sheeta ,based upon Vipaka madhura-amla-katu, based on aushadhi deepana, paachana, rakta stambhana etc. are narrated. Hence in the kshaya of any factor of the body the same relevant factor can be given in form of ahara or aushadi to keep the health normal ,these treatment principles are based on theory of Samanya .
The Vishesha is placed fifth by philosophers & second by Ayurveda. It has great role in Ayurveda like Samanya as being the science of treatment.The vaisheshika philosophy has got its name as they are the only one who have narrated Visheshapadartha initially. It proves its importance in shat padartha by being with Samanya .It gives the knowledge of particularly among the things.
Synonyms- Pruthakatwa, Hrasahetu, Vaisaadrashya, ,Peculiarity, Atulyartha, Bhedabuddhi etc
It is the cause of reduction or loss. It is the distinguishing factor by which it is identified that peculiarity is known as Vishesha .It is nitya & antyapadartha. The peculiar factor of sajateeya dravya by which it is identified is known as Vishesha. Ayurveda being the science dealing with treatment, need to reduce the aggravated factors of body components by giving opposite structural, qualitative or functional things in the form of ahara or Aushadhi, It is based on the theory of Vishesha .
Types of Vishesha
It is of three types as-
1.DravyaVishesha 2.Guna Vishesha 3.Karma Vishesha
1.Dravya Vishesha-Reduction of aggravated kapha by tikta, katu & kashaya rasas. Reduction of aggravated pitta by amalaki & madhura ,tikta,kashaya rasas.Reduction of aggravated vata by sneha,madhura,amla,lavana rasas.Reduction of dravyatmaka doshas from the body by utilizing Visheshadravya or viruddha rasa is known as dravyaVishesha.
2.Guna Vishesha-Ushnaguna is Vishesha to sheetaguna, guruguna is Vishesha to laghugunas.In vataprakopa ruksha laghu & sheeta gunas are aggravated ,they are reduced by the usage of sneha dravya for having sneha,guru,& ushna gunayukta dravya.In Kaphaprakopa the sthita,guru,sheeta,picchila gunas are increased ,they are reduced by the usage of sara,laghu,ushna & Vishadagunayukta dravya.In Pitta prakopa ushna,teekshna,sara,laghu gunas are aggravated,they are reduced by usage of sheeta,mrudu,sthira & gurugunayukta dravyas. Reduction of gunaatmakadosha from the body by utilizing Visheshagunadravya is known as guna Vishesha.
3.Karma Vishesha -The dosha of the body are reduced by performing opposite karma is known as karmaVishesha. Kaphavriddhi reduces by vyayaama,vatavruddhi reduces by rest,Pitta vriddhi reduces by sangeeta shravana.Gurutwa of body is reduced by exercise & mano roga is reduced by yoga sadhana etc.
Importance of Vishesha in Ayurveda
-Particularity or distinguishing factor or peculiarity the word itself denotes something special than normal.
-The important features of dravya are highlighted with Visheshaguna only.
-The Vishesha of dravya means the prabhava.
-The Vishesha gives the knowledge of dissimilarities of dravya,roga,chikitsa etc.
-Vishesha is the cause for bhedajnana, classification,based on variations.
-It is base for differential diagnosis or assessments.
-To assess the paratwa of everything Vishesha is the cause.
-The main principle of treatment is reducing the aggravated principles of body by giving dravya Vishesha,guna Vishesha,& Karma Visheshachikista only.
-Vishesha is the principle of treatment.
According to modern science maintenance of constant internal environment is called as homeostasis. It involves two mechanisms viz. positive feedback and negative feedback. We can correlate these two feedback mechanisms with ubhay pravritti mentioned by Charakacharya. Inclination or tendency of body towards vriddhi or kshaya (ubhay pravritti) to maintain equilibrium (samya) of dosha, dhatu, mala and agni is nothing but the homeostasis mentioned in Ayurveda.
In Ayurveda it seems impossible to treat various diseases without the application of Samanya -Vishesha principle. By the rule of Samanya -Vishesha a medicine used properly should strengthen dosha & dhatus that have become weak (by its similarities) & at the same time it should reduce the dosha & dhatus that are increased out of proportion to cause the imbalance (by its opposite nature). Hence, the Samanya -Vishesha Principle is a key component in choosing the most effective plan of treatment that involves food, activities, medicines ( eg. pathya-apathya) & other models ( eg. karma). Concept of Samanya & Vishesha also forms base of dincharya and ritucharya and patyhya-apathya.
- Sushrut Samhita (Ayurved- tatva- Sandipika) by Kaviraj Ambikadatta Shastri Part 1 Chaukhamabha Sanskrit Santhan, Varanasi, 9th Edition 1995.
- Charak Samhita of Chakrapanidatta with Vidyotini Hindi tika by Pt. Kashinath Shastri Chaukhamba Sanskrit Pratishthan, Varanasi reprint edition 2007.
- Ashtang Hruday with Sarwangsundari vyakhya by Lalchandra Vaidya, Motilal Banarasidas publication, Delhi 1 st edition reprint 1977.
- Kriya Sharira Part1 by Dr. Subhash Ranade, Dr. Swati Chobe, Proficient publishing house, Pune, Reprint edition 2015.
- Kriya Sharira by Vd. Jaykumar Ade & Vd. Sharayu Fule, Dishottama Publication- Nashik, 1st edition 2021.
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