A A Clinical trial to study the effect of Ramraksha stotra Mantra as Daivavyapashray Chikitsa in the management of Chittodvega –A pilot study. Pilot study on Ramraksha Stotra Mantra in Chittodvega (Anxiety).
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One of the defination of research is the logical rethinking to revalidate the old facts. Knowledge refers to the acquisition of information and facts, on the other hand, Wisdom involves the application of knowledge along with experience, insights and good judgement which later develops Shradhha ie Faith. In India, since Vaidik times, we practice different Mantra’s for different purpose. Being a divine science, Ayurveda has explained Mantra chikitsa on Manas roga under Daivavyapashray chikitsa. Mantra’s are the high energy sounds which is the effective treatment of Karmaja Manas vyadhi with its Prabhavjanya Karma (Action) providing Mental stability. Every Mantra are having a specific action (Falshruti). Chittodvega is one of the type of Manas Roga in which person has anxious state of mind with fear and worries. Ayurveda has explained Satvavajay chikitsa and Daivavyapashraya chikitsa in Manas Roga. In India, Lord Rama is worshiped since ancient times as he is the ideal example of Achar Rasayan (Code of Conduct) mentioned in Satvavajay chikitsa. (Also called as Purushottam). So, Ramraksha Stotra Mantra which is the combination of both Daivavyapashraya chikitsa and Satvavajay chikitsa can definitely fulfil the definition of Swastha mentioned in Ayurveda ie happiness of body, mind and spirit.
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