Practical approach of an Ayurvedic Concept of Aahar Vidhi Vidhan in Balyavastha (childhood)

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Nilesh Shinkar
Sanjay T. Chitte
Sadhana P. Babel


Adequate nutrition is the basic need for healthy life but without knowing proper dietary guidelines one cannot gain optimum benefit from the food consumed. There are many guidelines related to diet and its contents in modern aspect but the Ayurvedic approach has its unique importance. Aacharya charak has given ahara vidhi vidhan (dietary guidelines) which can prevent many diseases arising merely due to faulty dietary habits. ( scientific explanation for each factor is explained) childhood stage is the first stage of life on which the whole secure life is depend. The dietary guidelines are very important to follow from the child age for the healthy life.


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How to Cite
Shinkar, N., Chitte, S. T., & Babel, S. P. (2018). Practical approach of an Ayurvedic Concept of Aahar Vidhi Vidhan in Balyavastha (childhood). Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 6(07). Retrieved from
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