Role of GandharvaHasta Tail in Geriatric Constipation - A Case Study

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Kranti N. Khekale


Constipation is a common complaint in older adults. Although constipation is not a physiologic consequence of normal aging, decreased mobility and other medical conditions may contribute to its increased prevalence in older adults. The prevalence of constipation rises dramatically with age, with some estimates approaching 50% among adults over 80 years of age. There are a variety of over-the-counter and prescription laxatives available for the treatment of constipation. There are many laxatives sold in the market. They have not been studied in controlled trials to make a recommendation. Its side effect may be harmful to patient. There is no one best evidence-based treatment for chronic constipation in the elderly.

this study, shows single case of geriatric patient suffering from constipation wherein  Gandharvahasta tailwas given 10ml orally. The reference of Gandharvahasta tail is  Bhaishajya Ratanavali. Gandharvahasta tail acts as mild laxative with sweet taste, pleasant smell. Gandharvahasta Tail shows significant result with no side effect. It is easily palatable so there is no compliant for taking medicine.


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How to Cite
Khekale, K. N. (2018). Role of GandharvaHasta Tail in Geriatric Constipation - A Case Study. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 6(06). Retrieved from
Case Reports