Effect of Daruharidradi Lepa on Syringoma- A case study

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Saguna Nilkanth Thakare


A 36 years old female, presented with complaints of skin coloured, multiple papules on the medial / nasal side of both the upper eyelids: since 4 years diagnosed as Kaphaja Granthi vis- a – vis syringoma. Its treatment was successfully done by Lepa Vidhi.

The purpose of the paper was to justify how appropriate diagnosis of Dosha Dushya alone can help in total relief of a skin disorder with expensive treatment in modern medicine.


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How to Cite
Thakare, S. N. (2019). Effect of Daruharidradi Lepa on Syringoma- A case study. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(01). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/271
Case Reports


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