Clinical Evaluation of Efficacy of Ayurvedic Management of Jalodara W.S.R. to Tuberculosis induce Ascites: A Case Report
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Ascites, Tuberculosis, Jalodara, Punarnava Mandura, Gudadraka yoga, Pippali Vardhman Rasayan and Arand Tail

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soni, hemlata, & bansal, kartar singh. (2019). Clinical Evaluation of Efficacy of Ayurvedic Management of Jalodara W.S.R. to Tuberculosis induce Ascites: A Case Report. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(01). Retrieved from


 Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious infectious disease. The diagnosis of TB is a challenge among older patients because of its nonspecific presentation, especially for cases of extra pulmonary TB.  Gastrointestinal involvement had been reported to be 55%-90% in patients with active pulmonary TB before the advent of specific anti-TB treatment. But it was regressed to 25% after the development of specific drugs. TB ascites is known as Jalodar or Dakodar in Ayurvedic system. Ayurvedic management for this disease includes oral medications as well as Virechan for specific treatment to reduce accumulation of fluid, as well as treatment to remove the obstruction Ksheerapan for diet regulation plays an important part of management of this diseases. The present case is uncomplicated tuberculosis induce ascites since 6 month. Patient was treated with “Punarnava Mandura†(250gm), “Gudadraka Yoga†(6gm), “Pippali Vardhman Rasayan†(1to5gm) and “Arand Tail†(25ml) for 30days. The patient got relief from after 7 days of treatment.

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