Significance of mammography in the diagnosis and treatment of Stana Arbud
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Arbuda, Stanarbuda, Mammography

How to Cite

Dama, N., & Gune, P. (2019). Significance of mammography in the diagnosis and treatment of Stana Arbud. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(4). Retrieved from


The definition of arbuda when at any part of the body when vitiated doshas takes place by afflicting flesh it produce a swelling which is rounded, fixed, slightly painful, big in size, broad based, slowly growing and not suppurate. It is deep seated and takes place by mansa dushti and medodushti. Mammography is the only tool which has reduced death rates due to breast cancer. Early detection results in a high cure rate of breast cancer. Screening mammography can detect precancerous changes in breast.  It is our job to educate patients, order appropriate imaging, provide consistent follow-up and communicate. Screening is the key to early diagnosis but only works if patients trust that it is safe and effective .Regarding these things, the topic presented here is on the concept of stanarbuda and significance of Mammography in diagnosis of Stanarbuda.

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