“Role of different ayurvedic drugs on liver dysfunction.â€
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Ayurveda, the ancient science of life is one of the oldest forms of health care in the world. It is the holistic science that places great emphasis on prevention and aims at bringing about and maintaining harmony of body mind and consciousness. A well known quotation states “Is life worth living? It depends on the liver!â€Liver often called the engine of the body, plays an important role in digesting, metabolising and manufacturing essential compounds. The job of the liver is to identify toxins in the blood.
Liver secreats bile which breakdown and digest fatty acid, Produces blood clotting factors, stores suger in glycogen form, also stores iron, Vit.A, D, B12 etc. In this way liver has a pivotal role in human metabolism. Because of the significant role the liver plays in maintaining our health, we must do all we can to keep it function well. Ayurvedic medicines play a significant role in protecting the liver from different pathologies. Clinical studies done on certain hepato-protective drugs like Tinospora cordifolia, Phyllanthus niruri, Eclipta alba, Picrorrhiza kurroo etc. have shown their ability to reverse liver pathology.Ayurvedic drugs detoxify and purifiy the body ,cleaning its channel from the gross level.The contemporary modern medicine though pacify the ailments but they are found incompetent in removing the toxins at a micro level.So also the dreadful side effects of these drugs are a more nuisance than their effects.
Therefore,it is only righteous to use the Ayurvedic medicines for Liver disorders.
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