Critical study of valvular heart diseases W. S. R. to Ayurvedokta Shatkriyakala

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Subhash Waghe


Valvular heart diseases leads to definite death by various complications if not treated early. Although it may start as the simple throat infection but eventually it may affect the heart valves if not treated early. Shatkriya Kala is a unique pathological concept in Ayurveda developed with aim of treating the diseases at various stages of pathogenesis. Ancient Ayurvediac acharyas had stated 6 such stages of therapeutic intervention with reference to six stages of pathogenesis namely sanchaya, prakopa, prasara, sthansanshraya, vyakti and bheda.. If disease is treated in early stages, it does not lead to complications. There are vishahra a,d aamhar drugs in Ayurveda which could be potentially used to treat valvular affections. Hence, it is essential to apply the Ayurvedic concept of pathogenesis like ‘Shat Kriyakala’  to valvular heart disease so as to study it from Ayurvedic pathological point of view and to evolve a strategy to deal with it based on the Ayurvedokta principles of treatment particularly in terms of shatkriyakalas.

The study of valvular heart disease with reference to Shat Kriyakala, showed that the pathogenesis of valvular heart disease can very well be arranged in Ayurvedokta  six stages of Shat Kriyakala and treatment could be framed as per different stages. With the help of modern investigations, these six stages could be diagnostically confirmed.


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How to Cite
Waghe, S. (2019). Critical study of valvular heart diseases W. S. R. to Ayurvedokta Shatkriyakala. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(06). Retrieved from
Review Articles


1. Clinical Medicine, 3rd edition, edited by Praveen Kumar and Michael Clark, published by Bailliere Tindal,24-28,Oval Road, London (UK)
2. Sushrut Samhita with ‘Nibandhasangrah’ commentary by Dalhan published by Chaukhamba Surbharati, Gopal Mandir lane,Varanasi-221001
3. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 17th edition, edited by Anthony S. Fauci, E. Braunwald, Kurt.J,Joseph Martin etal., published by Mc Graw Hill companies, Inc
4. ‘Sushrut Samhita’ of acharya Sushruta edited and translated in hindi by Atridev, published by Motilal Banarasidas, 41, UA Bunglow Road, Jawahar nagar , Delhi-110007
5. ‘Dhanwantari Nighantu’ edited by Dr Zharkhande Oza and Dr. Umapati Mishra published by Chaukhamba Surbharati Publication, Gopal Mandir lane,Varanasi-221001

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