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Purana Ghrita, Diabetic foot ulcer, Wound Healing, Vrana ropak

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Deo, K. M. (2019). WOUND HEALING PROPERTIES OF PURANA GHRITA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO NON-HEALING DIABETIC ULCER- A case Study. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 7(07). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/444


Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is one of the major complications found in 15% of diabetics. It significantly reduces the quality of life. In DFU there is a prolonged inflammatory phase, delayed mature granulation tissue formation and reduction in wound tensile strength. The recommended line of treatment as per modern medicine includes Blood sugar control, removal of dead tissue & Wound dressing.According to Charak Samhita, Prameha Pidaka are caused due to upeksha (neglect) of underlying Prameha. Prameha Pidaka are of darun type and have 7 subtypes. Purana Ghrita plays significant role in wound healing in non-healing diabetic ulcer.Objective: To study the effect of Purana Ghrita in non-healing diabetic ulcer.Methods: In the case presented here, a male patient aged 70 years with type 2 diabetes, was admitted in the hospital for 2 months for the treatment of Non- healing diabetic ulcer on the sole of left foot. Allopathy treatment did not give desired results. Hence after 2 months of admittance, Ayurvedic treatment was introduced for DFU. Dressing of wound was done by mixture of Purana Ghrita, honey, Triphala Churna and Haridra Churna along with the dressing, Rasapachak, Raktapachak, Mansapachak, Gudmaradi vati, Aarogyavardhini vati & Sanjivani guti were used internally at different times. Result and Conclusion: With above mentioned treatment the non-healing diabetic ulcer healed and the patient was discharged after 30 days.Purana Ghrita has Vrana nashak qualities. It cleanses as well as heals i.e. it has Shodhan and Ropan properties.

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