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Ekta Rajendra Lambole Ekta


There are some Sthanik Chikitsa (Local Therapies) in Ayurvedic Stree Rogas described by Ancient Acharyas that possess outstanding and satisfactory outcomes in the management of Stree -Rogas. Some of these local therapies show amazing results in the management of Stree Rogas. ‘These extraordinary local therapies should be highlighted and of course used in the management of Stree Rogas for the fruitful outcomes. Sthanik Chikitsa preferably includes Yonidhawan (Douche of vagina), Yoni-Pichudharan (tampoon soaked in medicated oil or liquid is placed into the vagina), Uttar -Basti (Medicated oil or decoction is pushed into the uterine cavity through vagina), Yoni -Dhupan (Fumigation of vagina, with medicated smoke),Yoni-Varti (Insertion of medicated wick into the vagina), Yoni-Puran (vaginal packing),Yoni-Lepan (vaginal painting), Yoni-Parisheka, Pinda Chikitsa etc. In the present study  local therapies are revised through ancient samhitas and these therapies are reviewed with their meanings, indications, application procedure and application site of the local therapy. The procedure of  local therapy is discussed considering aseptic precautions. Through this study it is my hopeful and truthful effort to motivate most of the vaidyas towards Sthanik Chikitsa in the management of Stree Rogas. This study with its simple and appropriate terms will definitely help the Vaidyas to reach to the depth of the concept and will subsequently prove to be helpful to give admirable and satisfactory outcomes to Vaidyas.


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How to Cite
Ekta, E. R. L. (2020). ROLE OF YONIPICHU IN STREE ROGA AND PRASUTITANTRA. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(02). Retrieved from
Review Articles


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