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Myopia the commonest refractive error includes a large section of present day population. myopia along with other refractive errors accounts for 7 % of the causes of blindness in India. It is highly significant problem. Myopia is dioptric condition of the eye in which incident parallel rays come to a focus anterior to the light sensitive part of the Retina. When accommodation is at rest. Myopia is the commonest eye defect affecting the young eyes and also called near or short sightedness[1]. Clinical factors related to vision disturbance are seeing in Drishtigatrogas and one among these roga is Timira . Blurred Vision is mentioned as symptom in 12 Drishtigat Vikaras. Timira is such an eye disease which starts from Avyaktya darshana and end in complete loss of vision. No separate etiological factors at the eye are to be considered for Timira . Acharya Sushruta has described Timira as Ghora roga . that produce visual disturbance due to accumulation of doshas in various patalas of the eye[2]. Due to changing life style and excessive use of computer, TV, mobile screen worsen visual acuity and produce various Netra Rogas and people use mostly modern medicine, but in Ayurveda with the help many therapies like padabhyanga . Padabhyanga is good for eye. Vagabhata identities 4 major nerves in the feet that connect to the eyes. These transmit the effect of the medicine applied over the feet in the form of massage [3] . Hence every person should need make use of padabhyanga . Major causes of blindness, for prevalence disease like Timira . Hence the study is made to explain effect of padábhyanga to increase and maintain the visual acuity.
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2. Sushruta Samhita. Uttarardha, adhyaya 7 drishtigat roga. Kaviraj Ambikadattashastri.
Vighyaniyam Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi Page No. 40.
3. Ashtanga Hridaya of Acharya Vagabhata , Ashtanga Uttarantara 16/66 page no. 998. By Bramhanand Tripathi published by Chaukhamba Sanskrit pratishthan . Delhi edition 2015.
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9. review article on benefits of padabhyanga in maintaining ocular health with special reference to marma therapy.
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Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier: 2011. pg. no 575.