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"Shastra" commonly means a specific field of knowledge. In early Vedic literature, the word referred to any precept, rule, teaching, ritual instruction or direction.[1] In late and post Vedic literature of Hinduism, Shastra referred to any study, book or instrument of teaching, any manual or compilation of any subject in any field of knowledge, including religion. Tantra guna is Shastra Lakshana. The qualities of an ideal Shastra or study which would be received universally as a well documented standard reference are explained in Charak Samhita vimansthan as mentioned in Ayurveda. The scientific paper has been developed over the last three centuries as a tool for communicating the results of scientific research. Scientific writing must be of a high standard, as it relates to the process of learning as well as new learners. In ancient times, a specific writing methodology was adopted by scientists to prepare standard and highly scientific historical documents in the field. Techniques such as Tantrayukti (Treat writing/decoding techniques), Tachchhilya (inclinations), Kalpana (compositions), etc. have been described in the classics to establish the quality requirements of research literature. Thanks to well-established writing methods, scientific mythology such as Samhita (Ayurvedic texts), Samgraha-grantha (compendia), Nighantu (lexicons), etc., has also been compiled universally and has produced some great quality literature. The Tantraguna refers to the key points of the writing, such as language, order, volume, form, etc. After reviewing and analyzing these Tantragunas, it can be concluded that the ancient writing method can be equated with certain alternatives to the current introduction, methods, results and discussion structure of scientific writing. This study can help to strengthen and reinforce the current standards of scientific writing by changing new aspects of the ancient writing system.
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• Agnivesha YT, editor. Charakasamhita of Agnivesha, Vimana Sthana. Ver. 3. Reprint edition., Ch. 1. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Orientalia; 2011. p. 231.
• Agnivesha YT, editor. Charakasamhita of Agnivesha, Vimana Sthana. Ver. 1-2. Reprint edition., Ch. 8. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Orientalia; 2011. p. 261.