Scientific Explanation of ’Ahar Vidhi Vidhan’ mentioned by Charakacharya (disciplinary Diet/Eating)
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Ayurveda, Ahar Vidhi, diet, Life Style disorders.

How to Cite

Dr Anushri Gokul Endait. (2020). Scientific Explanation of ’Ahar Vidhi Vidhan’ mentioned by Charakacharya (disciplinary Diet/Eating). Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(02). Retrieved from


Ayurveda is the ancient science which not only gives effective treatment for many diseases but also provides healthy way of living. Ahar, Nidra & Bramhacharya is three important upastambha of life in Ayurveda. Ayurveda gives immense importance of Ahar and explains that how healthy and techniqueful eating is important for healthy body, mind and soul. Acharya charak describes ‘Ahar Vidhi’ which gives us importance of Do’s and Don’ts about diet and drink.  It gives importance of eating healthy food and also describes its various ways. In present Era, diet and lifestyle is unknowingly responsible for many diseases. Now a day, people are fascinated towards frozen & preserved food which satisfy their taste bud but as well invites many diseases. That’s why one should follow Ayurveda principles to prevent various lifestyle disorders. Present study is review of ‘Ahar Vidhi’ and the disorders caused by not following the principles described by Acharya charak. This study also states that there is scope of scientific testing to justify textual references.

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