To rule out efficacy of argemone maxicana swaras lepa in the management of vicharchika w. s. r. to eczema
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Vicharchika, Eczema, Argemone maxicana

How to Cite

Sonawane, R. D. (2020). To rule out efficacy of argemone maxicana swaras lepa in the management of vicharchika w. s. r. to eczema. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(02). Retrieved from


Vicharchika is one of the type of Kshudrakushtha having Tridoshaja origion. Different Aacharyas described different dominancy of Doshaj in Vicharchika. Regarding Lakshanas to a greater extent Vicharchika  resembles with Eczema. The present study was carried out to rule out the efficacy of Argemone Maxicana Swaras Lepa in the management of Vicharchika. For this study total 30 patients were taken from the Opd and Ipd of CSMSS Ayurved Mahavidyalaya and Rugnalaya, Aurangabad. Treatment given for 15 days. The overall assessment of Lakshanas showed excellent result in 08 patients, good result in 16 patients, moderate result in 05 patients and very less results in one patient.

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