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Key word: Nidra, Sleep deprivation, Ayurveda, Sleep

How to Cite

Bhojane, S., Satpute, S., & Satpute, S. (2020). CONCEPTUAL STUDY OF SIGNIFICANCE OF NIDRA ON HEALTH. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(03). Retrieved from


Sleep or Nidra is essential for our well being and occupies about one third of our life span. Sleep affects how we feel and perform on daily basis, which has major impact on our overall quality of liveliness. Getting enough quality of sleep at right times can protect our physical and mental health, quality of life and safety. The way we feel when we are awake depend in part on what happens when we are asleep. The constructive effects of natural sleep have been deeply considered and interpreted by Ayurvedic literature as well as modern researches. Certain people have considered sleep as a mere break down time when our brain takes rest. Some of the conditions like obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes etc. occur due to long periods of sleep deprivations. The present article is aimed to highlight the significance of proper sleep and effect of sleep deprivation on health in view of Ayurveda and contemporary science.


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