A Conceptual study for Preventive cardiology w.s.r. to diet and lifestyle modification.
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Preventive cardiology, Diet, lifestyle, Hridrog, Rasayan therapy, Yoga, Panchakarma

How to Cite

Bilu, D. chirag P. chand. (2020). A Conceptual study for Preventive cardiology w.s.r. to diet and lifestyle modification . Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(03). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/587


Cardiovascular disease has the most prevalence of serious diseases and is a rapidly growing problem in developing countries.

In Ayurved literature available, the purpose of ayurved is given as prevention of disease for healthy living and treating the diseases person. The same is explained in modern science as

‘Prevention is better than cure’.

In the case of cardiology- diet, lifestyle changes are contributing to increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In view to avoid further complications, preventive measures should be taken in the field of cardiology with the help of ayurved, which includes Rasayan therapy, Panchakarma chitiksa, Diet and lifestyle modification, Yoga and Pranayam for prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Risk factors for cardiovascular diseases includes Hypertension, obesity, Diabetes mellitus, Rheumatic disorders, most of the risk factors are related to our daily lifestyle and diet. This literature reviews includes Rasayan therapy, Panchakarma chits, Diet and lifestyle modification, Yoga and Pranayam for prevention of cardiovascular disease and has attempted to build a bridge between modern day to day life style and ayurvedic lifestyle as recommended in various ayurvedic literatature.



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