A Case Report Role of Mustadi Yapana Basti and Shashtishali Pindasweda in Sub Acute Combined Degeneration (S.A.C.D.)
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S.A.C.D. is a nutritional deficiency disorder mainly caused by deficiency of Vit. B12. Its deficiency causes demyelination of posterior, lateral, column and peripheral nerve involvement. So that in this condition we see neurological symptoms such as loss of muscle tone, loss of power, loss of sensation for temperature, touch, pain. If this condition is not treated then it causes severe systemic function loss. Supplement of Vitamin B12 and physiotherapy is the only treatment for this disorder. And it may take 6 to 12 months to get recover. And in long term patients neurological damage may not improve.
According to Ayurveda, if we don’t know the name of the disease but we can treat it according to vitiated Dosha and Dushya, Hetu etc.
So S.A.C.D. can be treated as Dhatukshyajanya Vatavyadhi. According to this patient was treated with Mustadi Yapana Basti and Shashtishali Pindasweda and considerable relief from symptoms was observed in the patient within 15 days.
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