The Assessment of clinical efficacy of Vaman Karma followed by Virechan and Basti Karma in the management of Dadru with special reference to Dermatophytosis.

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Snehal Borase


Dadru is described in Kshudra kushtha by acharya Charak. The symptoms like Kandu (Itching), Raga (Erythema), Pidaka (Exanthemas) and Mandala (Discoid lesions with elevated borders) seen in Dadru is analogous to the symptoms of Dermatophytosis. Most of skin infections caused by dermatophytes are referred as tinea and often severe as well as recurrent. Ringworm infections are also called as dermatophytosis which is characterized by the infection of keratinized tissues like epidermis, hair and nails. In modern science, tropical anti-fungal drugs, oral anti-fungal drugs are used to treat ring worms at various stages. Nowadays resistance is increasing to anti-fungal allopathic drugs. So, there is a need to study and research the effective, safe and affordable Ayurverdic treatment for the management of Dadru So, I decided to work on this topic.

            Kapha and pitta doshas are predominant in Dadru. As Dadru is type of kshudra kushta, shodhan therapy must be primary treatment for elimination of vitiated doshas. So panchakarma therapies like Vaman, Virechana and Basti given to the patient as stated in ayurvedic classics. Total effect of Vaman therapy was 29.19 %, Total effect of Vaman followed by Virechana therapy was 58.66 %, Total effect of Vaman followed by Virechana and Basti therapy was 77.58 %. Hence, we can conclude that shodhan therapy effective in management of Dadru but it needs frequent shodhana for total eradication of disease according to bala of patient.


Dadru, Dermatophytosis, Shodhana therapy, Vaman, Virechan, Basti


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How to Cite
Borase, S. (2020). The Assessment of clinical efficacy of Vaman Karma followed by Virechan and Basti Karma in the management of Dadru with special reference to Dermatophytosis. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(03). Retrieved from
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