Role of jalapan in the samprapti and vidhi vihit jalapan in the management of prameha w.s.r. to type-II diabetes mellitus
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Prameha,Type II Diabetes mellitus, Vidhi vihit Jalapan

How to Cite

Deshpande, A. A. (2020). Role of jalapan in the samprapti and vidhi vihit jalapan in the management of prameha w.s.r. to type-II diabetes mellitus. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(03). Retrieved from


Present era of urbanization,industrialization is responsible for the stresssful, sendentary lifestyle that makes a person more susceptible to Diabetes Mellitus.The misconceptions about food consumption,indiscriminate intake of liquids are the causative factors of lifestyle disorders like diabetes.Ayurveda is the science which explains scientific process and general rules for the consumption of food through the aaharvidhivisheshayatana and aaharvidhividhan.It also highlights the effect of proper food consumption and effect of  proper water intake on the body.

An open labeled add on comparative clinical study was conducted in BSDT’s Ayurved hospital.Thirty diagnosed patients of type II Diabetes mellitus were randomly selected from the OPD of kayachikitsa and enrolled into two groups.Role of jalapan in the samprapti of prameha and vidhi vihit (as per rules described in samhita) jalapan along with the vyadhipratyanik chikitsa were assessed in the management of prameha with special reference to type II diabetes mellitus. Nidanparivarjana is an essential part in the management of disease. It is observed that there is an association between jalapan and prameha and vidhi vihit Jalapan plays an important role in the treatment of prameha.

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