Ayurvedic and modern perspective of bhagna- a conceptual study

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Pratibha bochare


Acharya Sushruta has mentioned detailed diagnosis and management for all orthopedic injures under the heading bhagna. this study explores the concept of asthibhagna, the traditional system of fracture management, and compare it to the understanding of fractures and their treatment in the modern times. today we are able to examine the fracutred bone directly under the radiological examination. in absence of this, Sushruta had evolved this  useful and more logical determination of types of fracture by inference and their management through traction, manipulation by pressure, by reduction and immobilisation. many of the principles of the fracture treatment defined centuries ago are still relevant and used in the conventional fracture management. the modern medicine takes over in the management of simple, complicated and compound fractures with the introduction of many surgical intervention like the intramedullary devices that hasten fracture union and healing potential. the use of specific types of splints in the form of barks of the different trees, the use of decoction and role of diet are the distinguishing features of traditional treatment. it would be worthwhile to explore these unique features for use in the present time.


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How to Cite
bochare, P. (2020). Ayurvedic and modern perspective of bhagna- a conceptual study. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 8(04). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/621
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