Effect of Trishothadi Lepam on Tropical foot ulcer – Case Report
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Siravyadhana and Trishothadi Lepam application was intended for healthy wound healing. Probably it will have an understanding of underlying mechanism of relieving vascular stasis, reducing venous congestion and beginning of re-vascularization and other wound healing process. The Group-B showing maximum percentage of benefit followed by Group-A. Hence it can be concluded that overall benefit is found maximum in Group-A where Siravyadhana with Trishothadi Lepam was administered. The drug Trishothadi Lepam might be shown the efficacy due to Lekhana, Kledahara, Shoshana, Shotha & Dahahara, RaktaShodhaka and Twaka Prasadana properties. this procedure is found to be very much safe, simple, cost-effective, easily administered in the patients of foot ulcers leading them for complete healing avoiding the most unwanted outcome of amputation.
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