The Conceptual study on effect of Krauncha Beeja (Mucuna pruriens) Churna on serum prolactin levels and sperm count vis a vis Bromocriptine.
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Keywords - Hyperprolactinemia, Oligozoospermia, Bromocriptine, Prolactin, Sperm count.

How to Cite

Dr. Mangesh Patil. (2021). The Conceptual study on effect of Krauncha Beeja (Mucuna pruriens) Churna on serum prolactin levels and sperm count vis a vis Bromocriptine. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(01). Retrieved from


 Hyperprolactinemia is detected in patients with infertility, impotence and hypogonadism. It  is caused by or is associated with variety of pathological conditions such as pituitary adenoma, hypothalamic disorders, hypothyroidism, adrenocortical tumour etc. If hyperprolactinemia is the reason of Oligozoospermia then bromocriptine administration will improve sperm count.[5]

           Kraunch beeja has been described to be useful in various diseases of  reproductive system in books of Indian medicines (Ayurveda). Clinical research proves its effect on reduction of hyperprolactinemia. As it works on prolactin levels it can be used to treat both Oligozoospermia and Galactorrhoea.   

            The purpose of this study is  to overview the effect of Krauncha beeja churna on Sr. Prolactin levels and Sperm count, like the effect of Bromocriptine. So that we can propose the use Krauncha beeja churna instead of Bromocriptine to control hyperprolactinemia and enhance sperm count.


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