Conceptual review of Amlapitta (Ayurvedic View)

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Pravin Shamrao Sawant


Amlapitta  (Hyperacidity) is very common disease encountering in present population with more or less severity.Generally 80% of the top ten life threatening disease in the world are due to wrong in dietary habits.1 Amlapitta (Hyperacidity) is one of the commonest Vyadhi  (Disease) of Annavaha strotas (Channel for digestion, absorbtion and transportation), caused by vitiated Agni (Digestive fire). Amlapitta (Hyperacidity) is a condition where Amlaguna  (Sour taste) of Pachak Pitta increases due to Samata  (toxins). Aacharya Charaka has not mentioned Amlapitta  (Hyperacidity) as separate disease but described in Grahani  (digestive disorder) as one of its lakshana.2According to Ayurveda, many disorders are due to vitiated Agni (digestive disorder).Various factors and progressive changes such as adaptation of newer and newer food materials, junk foods, fast foods, changes in method of cooking, occupational hazards etc. have precipitated the increasing trend of the disease. Along with those stimulating factors tremendous stress, anxiety had significantly aggravated the digestive disorders including Amlapitta (Hyperacidity). Here in this present study, Amlapitta disease is reviewed in detail according to ayurvedic view.



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How to Cite
Sawant, . P. S. (2021). Conceptual review of Amlapitta (Ayurvedic View). Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(01). Retrieved from
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