Literature Review of Brahmacharya as Pathway for Healthy Living.

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Saurabh Shirishkar


Ayurved is science of life, having aims to live healthy life and cure diseases. In Ayurved, concept of Trayoupstambha is mentioned which leads to healthy life. Trayoupstambha means three sub pillars which gives healthy life. Out of these three sub pillars Brahmacharya’ is one, which assists healthy living being. Brahmacharya results in conservation of Shukra Dhatu & Shukra Dhatu is essence of Ahara. Shukra Dhatu is responsible for Bala, Virya, Yasha, Dhairya, Preeti. Hence these qualities ultimately lead to healthy life. Physical & mental health is achieved through Brahmacharya. So, this is literature study to review Brahmacharya concept, its various parameters & its significant role in healthy living.


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How to Cite
Shirishkar, S. (2021). Literature Review of Brahmacharya as Pathway for Healthy Living. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(02). Retrieved from
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