Efficacy of Troponin-I in the diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome: A Case Report
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A 35 years old male presented to the outpatient department with symptoms of chest pain (retrosternal), sweating/ uneasiness from 24 hours. The patient with these complaints first went to another practitioner and was diagnosed as ACS with following ECG. PAST HISTORY: The patient has nil medical history. ADDICTION: Smoker for 8 years and Alcohol intake daily for 10 years and also having h/o Tobacco consummation. CK-MB, TROPONIN-I is the cardiac-specific biomarker for myocardial injury. Cardiac Troponin-I is a protein found in the cells of the heart muscle. The level of cardiac Troponin-I can be measured by the health of the heart muscle. Can be detected in healthy asymptomatic individuals. Current risk stratification tools like Framingham, Euro score, Lipid Profile, hs CRP are not cardiac-specific and can be heavily influenced by age. Myoglobin is a sensitive marker for muscle injury, but, elevated myoglobin has low specificity for acute myocardial infarction. Troponin has more specificity than CK-MB in myocardial injury.
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