Brief concept of Palitya

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Monali Sardar


The face of an individual is a personal identity in which hair plays a significant role. Healthy hair is a healthy sign of personality. But nowadays, whitening of hair is a common and burning problem in public. Black, healthy and good looking hair makes the individual happy and confident. Palitya generally occurs in old age and pittaj pradhan  prakriti. But due to unhealthy diet, wrong regimen, pollution, psychological stress, etc. it affects on hairs, and causes Palitya. There is a management in Ayurveda for this worldwide issue i.e. Palitya.  Present study reviews Ayurvedic and modern etiopathogenesis and management trends to propose ideal treatment for Palitya.


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How to Cite
Sardar, M. (2021). Brief concept of Palitya. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(02). Retrieved from
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