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Ayurveda is science of healthy life. In Ayurveda, main cause of diseases is Mandagni which is further responsible for formation of Aama as well as Aama related diseases. Ajirna (Indigestion) is a commonly encountered syndrome in medical practice. So, treatment of Aama and Aama related diseases like Aamajirna, etc. should be important to stop further complications. Shivakshar Pachana Churna is quoted in Bheshaja Samhita. It is a powdered herbal formulation used for treating digestive disorders, loss of appetite. It has carminative properties which helps in reducing flatulence. It consists of 10 herbal drugs namely Sunthi, Maricha, Pippali, Ajamoda, Saindhava, Shweta Jeeraka, Krushna Jeeraka, Shudha Hingu, Haritaki, Sajjikshara.
The contents of Shivakshar Pachan Churna mainly have Deepana - Pachana, Vata- Anulomana properties. In classics, it is indicated in Ajirna (Indigestion), Malavarodha (Constipation), Hikka (Hiccups), Aruchi (No desire of food or tasteless mouth), Shoola (Pain in abdomen), Krimi (Worm infestation). It can also be used in different newly diagnosed diseases with manifestation of the above symptoms.
Here, condition of usage of Shivakshara Pachana churna along with its mode of action is explored. Being a multifactorial syndrome complex, many complex modes of action have been studied.
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