Sarve Santu Niramayaha w.s.r. to Aahara, Vihara and Satvik Mana
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ABSTRACT- “Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah; Sarve Santu Niramayah” this is the famous verse from Indian philosophy, which mean let all be happy, let all be healthy, let no one be suppressed by grief. So, for welfare of entire universe, it is important to make something for reduce the impact of sorrow and diseases. Time and scenario rapidly change’s but the ultimate goal of person to become happy and healthy remain same. This goal is achieved only after understanding the concept of health and following guidelines of life science, and Ayurveda being ancient life science, is comprehensive system of holistic health care. Because aim of Ayurveda is “Swasthasya Swasthya Rakshanam; Aturasya Vikar Prashamanam”. Due to urbanization and lifestyles change, people are facing many somatic as well as psychological issues and changed Dietary habits ( changes in Aaharvidhi-vidhan, AshtaAaharvidhi-Vishaeshaayatane, Aahara as per season, Padanshika-krama etc.) life style (unfollowing Dincharya, Rutucharya, Vega-Vidharana, Sadavrutta-palana) and psychological alteration (Dharaniya-vegadharana, Dashavidha Papakarma) are the reasons for it. Ayurveda is hope for a solution to these problems. The disease can be cured without any medication by just following a wholesome regimen, whereas even hundreds of medicines cannot cure a disease in the absence of wholesome diet, proper following lifestyle and Satvik mind. So, aim of this paper is to promote healthy life by using guidelines as per mentioned in Ayurveda.
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