A case study on efficacy of Narayan taila uttarbasti in treatment of mutrotsanga w. r. t. Urethral spasm.
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A 62 years male patient was admitted with complaints of dribbling and unsatisfactory micturation, incomplete voiding and increased frequency. Undergone ascending retrograde urethrography which was suggesting of bulbar urethral stricture. But, 14-f nelton catheter passed easily through urethra; hence diagnosed as a mutrotsanga(3) according to ayurveda and it resembled with urethral spasm according to modern science. In the modern medical science, treatment for this condition is repeated urethral dilatations & sometimes urethroplasty. This patient could not afford it and was also apprehensive about its complications. Hence he was advised ayurvedic treatment.
In ayurveda, sushruta has explained 12 types of mutraghata. In that, we can diagnose this condition resembles with mutrotsanga based on symptoms. In these conditions, choice of treatment for mutrotsanga is uttarbasti in which a medicated oil instilled into the urethra. In this case, we used narayan taila. After the uttarbasti treatment, patients complaints were relived to a significant level.
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