Clinical Efficacy of Local Guggulu Dhoopana in Management of Episiotomy Wound
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Sometimes, to prevent perineal tear and injury to the baby, episiotomy is done during the second stage of labour. However, if not cared for properly, it may cause great pain, discomfort, and systemic infections too. Thus, its care should be taken in all possible manners. Kashyapa Samhita has elaborated Dhoopana with Guggulu and Ghee in Sutika Paricharya. Hence, the present clinical study was planned to determine the efficacy of local Guggulu Dhoopana in Sutika with episiotomy wounds. The specific examination of local inflammation, pain, and foul smell of Lochia were considered as study parameters. The present study concluded that Dhoopana with Guggulu and Ghrita provided 90 % relief in the management of episiotomy wounds, especially the pain and inflammation associated with it.
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