A Case Study Curing Aamvata through Ayurvedic Management
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Rheumatoid arthritis,aamvata,langhana,virechana,ayurvedic medications

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Ashish Dattatray Kamble, D. K., Sanjivani Nitin Rathod, D. N. R., & Rajan Balwant Kulkarni, D. B. K. (2021). A Case Study Curing Aamvata through Ayurvedic Management. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(04). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/894


Ayurveda describes Aamvata (RA) as a primary musculoskeletal joint condition. Swelling, discomfort, and stiffness in the arms and legs.The ankle, knee, and hip joints, as well as the wrist and elbow, are all affected.The clinical terms for neck and shoulder include Aamvata's manifestations The pinnacle the beginning of RA is more common in people over the age of 25 to 60 years old, but no one is safe at any age.In the modern age Aamvata is the most frequent disease that affects a big number of elderly people. The phrase Aamvata comes from the Sanskrit word aamvata, which means "terms like "Aam" and "Vata" The term.Aam is a state in which a number of different things happen at the same time the presence of illnesses in the body has a harmful effect.When Aam is combined with Vatadosha, it creates a powerful force & resides in Shleshmasthana (Asthisandhi).This causes a painful sickness.

Aamvata treatment should begin with Langhana, according to Yogaratnakara(fasting) and Dipana (improvement)Pachana (appetite) (improving digestion),Virechana, Swedana (fomentation therapy)(Basti) and (Purgation) (medicated enema)sequentially.Here a case of 41 yr old female  with Aamvata  treated with complete ayurvedic modalities like langhana,deepana-pachana,virechana and ayurvedic formulations and we got uplifting results.

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