A pharmacognostical study of Anupa and Jangala Deshastha Shitivaraka (Celosia argentea Linn.).
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Anupa-Jangala Desha, Shitivaraka, Pharmacognostical Study

How to Cite

Lavate, N. N. (2021). A pharmacognostical study of Anupa and Jangala Deshastha Shitivaraka (Celosia argentea Linn.). Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 9(04). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/925


The subject of standardization of Ayurvedic drugs is always a burning topict. Today it has become a must to give attention towards all the factors which affect the potency of the drug. After lot of observation it was found that the geographical variation and climate of the place of origin of the drug may be the major factor in influencing the potency of drug. Hence for current study soil samples collected from Anupa(Ratnagiri) and Jangala(Jamnagar) regions
The role of research in Ayurveda is not only to elucidate the principles of Ayurveda but also, to explain them in terms of modern parameters. Here the macroscopic, microscopic and powdered microscopy of sample Group-A(Anupa), Group-B (Jangala), is studied under pharmacognostical study.

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