A comprehensive study of understanding Vatarakta w.r.t. Gouty Arthritis Understanding Vatarakta
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Vatarakta is more distressing and common metabolic disorder prevalent in present era. It is a vata pradhan tridoshaja vata vyadhi, where Rakta is main dushya. Vatarakta is correlated with gout (gouty arthritis) in modern science. Gout is an abnormality of purine metabolism causes hyperuremia and deposition of Monosodium urate crystals in joints. The current lifestyle involves consumption of unhealthy junk food along with improper sleep pattern. Due to excruciating pain inflammation, joint deformity and restricted joints movement with the risk of various complication like urate nephropathy and urate nephrolithiasis it’s necessary to have a complete overview on all aspects of disease for treatment. Ayurveda modalities viz shodana and shamana chikitsa it can be cured. The present review deals with glimpses of historical aspect of vatarakta (Gout) extending from vedic era to the present century, etymology of vatarakta with its Nidana, samprapti, purva-rupa, rupa, sadhyata-asadhyata, sapeksha nidana, updrava, chikitsa and pathya apathya.
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