A “Review about causative factors of Prameha (Diabetes mellitus) from Bruhatrayee”

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Anushri Vikhore
Dr. Vijay M Bhandare
Dr. Manojkumar Chaudhari


India is becoming the diabetic capital of the world. Nearly 1 million Indians die due to diabetes every year. The prevalence of Diabetes in India in 2018 was 7.1% according to WHO studies. The prevalence of diabetes in Maharashtra is 8.4%. A sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise and yoga, stress, and improper diet habits are the main reasons diabetes to become a more common lifestyle disease else than just Heredity.

According to Ayurveda, diabetes mellitus comes under a category named Madhumeha, which is one of 20 types of Prameha1. To control the disease from affecting many populations, we need to make the people aware of its causes first. Acharya Charaka, Sushruta, and Vaghbhata have explained the etiology of prameha very well. Hence here is a small attempt to review the causative factors of prameha from bruhatrayee.


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How to Cite
Vikhore, A., Bhandare, V., & Chaudhari, M. . (2022). A “Review about causative factors of Prameha (Diabetes mellitus) from Bruhatrayee”. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 10(3). Retrieved from https://ayurlog.com/index.php/ayurlog/article/view/1001
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