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Dincharya, diet, agni, aam, ritucharya, viruddhahar, shadrasa

How to Cite

Dongare, M. (2022). ANORECTAL DISEASES AND PATHYA-APATHYAM. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 10(04). Retrieved from


           Anorectal diseases are very common  in the general population. Due to faulty dietary habits,lifestyle modalities such as late-night awakening,  shift duties etc add to pathogenesis of these Anorectal diseases. Maintaining positive health in healthy individuals and treating the diseased ones are the main aims of Ayurveda(1). Keeping this in view Acharya have emphasized the importance of preventive aspects and detailed  information about dincharya (daily routine), ritucharya (healthy seasonal regimen), ratricharya (healthy night regimen) etc. This article mainly focuses on preventive measures for the Anorectal diseases with appropriate dietary guidelines and daily regimens.

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