Inhibiting in function of Gene in sickle Cell Disease

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Ashay Harish Nandeshwar


I was much struck with the fact that Sickle-Cell Disease and most of the genetic diseases are incurable. The knowledge I gained about base substitution mutation in DNA and the Human Genome Project, showed me light to the possibility of a cure to the disease. Stem Cell Therapy was the first thing that came into my mind, while thinking of a cure to SCD. Eventually I found that researches about using stem cell therapy for curing SCD were already being carried in various academic and research institutions across the globe. As a result, bone marrow transplant became a ray of hope for the sufferers of the disorder; but still, the scientists and doctors would assert the non-existence of a definite cure to the disease


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How to Cite
Nandeshwar, A. H. (2018). Inhibiting in function of Gene in sickle Cell Disease. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 1(01). Retrieved from
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