Literature review of concept and importance of Gudasharir

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Ranjeetsinh Babanrao Patil


The Ayurveda is science of living of life. The Vedas are the basic source of information about life styles and thinking patterns. Vedas are also very rich in the information of medical science. After Veda there are samhita of various subject which are reflect knowledge of respected subject that is Sushrut Samhita is particularly for surgery, Charaka and Vagbhata are full of knowledge with medicinal treatment. In this this we are going to study about concept of Guda, Importance of Guda by   ayurveda and Modern view. Due to modern lifestyle, stress there are many more psychosomatic diseases occurs. In lifestyle induced disorder we think about Arsha, Bhagadara, Parikartika like diseases, hence we need to understand  important Guda.



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Ranjeetsinh Babanrao Patil. (2023). Literature review of concept and importance of Gudasharir. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 11(02). Retrieved from
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Ranjeetsinh Babanrao Patil