Role of Rasapachaka Kwath in The Management of Rajavikriti (Menstrual disorders) – A Case Study

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Maheshkumar jangam





Menstrual abnormalities are common in now a days due to their sedentary and stressful life along with dietary habits. Food habits of adolescents in the recent have changed like too much consumption of fast food and skipping of food or irregularities in intake of food leads to improper formation of gastric juice which is directly affect menstruation, due to that the major abnormalities are dysmenorrhea, menstrual irregularities, PCOD, etc are seen. These disoerders common in adolescent and may lead to problems in daily activities such as academic excellence, achivements in sports, loss of self confidence. The lifestyle pattern of any individual leads to their prone of disease. Female reproductive cycle directly or indirectly influence with diet, physical work and mental stress. Dietary habits are directly related with individual quality of life. So overcome this problem for such a condition rasapachaka kwath has been using in many patients and get surprising results within short time.



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How to Cite
jangam, M. (2023). Role of Rasapachaka Kwath in The Management of Rajavikriti (Menstrual disorders) – A Case Study. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 11(3). Retrieved from
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