MEDICOLEGAL ASPECTS OF INFANTICIDE BY MOTHER IN POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION Infanticide, Postpartum period, Altered psyche and postpartum period, The etiology of PPD, Medicolegal aspets
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Infanticide is the killing of an infant below the age of one year. The research article on infanticide by Arneet et al states that infanticide is the killing of an infant by the mother herself. But in generalization, the most accepted definition is the killing of an infant by any person. This article will focus on the etiology of Postpartum Depression (PPD) and the medicolegal aspects of infanticide by a mother who is in PPD which exists in a significant number of women all over the world, whatever may be the social class, age, literacy etc. In India, the prevalence of PPD is high, because of a lack of social awareness, and psychiatric assessment facilities. In the medical fraternity also awareness of PPD is expected and needed.
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