An Ayurvedic Perspective of Kukkuta Mamsa Sevana Vidhi - A Literature Study.

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Ketaki Chetan Kamat


Aims: To Compare today’s mode of chicken meat consumption with respect to the ways mentioned in Ayurved.Objectives: 1. To find ways of chicken meat preparations explained in Ayurvedic texts (Brihattrayee, BhavprakashNighantu).2. To compare ways of Chicken meat preparation & consumption in today’s era with those mentioned in Ayurvedic texts. Observation: Methods of meat cooking mentioned in Ayurvedic texts are ShuddhaMamsa, Sahrudrak, Takramamsa, Harisaa, Talitamamsa, Shulyapalam, mamsashrungatakam&Surava. In the present era Chicken dishes are prepared with use of spices, marinating with yoghurt, using curd, salt & water, Curry preparation includes cashews, yoghurt, milk, cream, poppy seeds, pan cooking, roasting, grilling, shallow frying, deep frying etc.Conclusion: Present ways of method of chicken meat preparation affecting health are processing chicken with curd, combining buttermilk & curd, combining milk & ghee, use of oil instead of ghee, using sweet, cold beverages & use of milk as beverages with it. MainFinding: Ways of preparation of chicken meat impacts its nutritional values greatly.PrincipalConclusion: Avoiding wrong process & improvising preparation of chicken meat as per Ayurvedic texts will not only enhance the taste but will also provide nutritious processed food which will strengthen the body without vitiating Doshas. 


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Ketaki Chetan Kamat. (2024). An Ayurvedic Perspective of Kukkuta Mamsa Sevana Vidhi - A Literature Study. Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science, 12(4). Retrieved from
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